I support the Foundation:

The Museum of Warsaw Foundation wants to ignite the need to shape civic attitudes and show how an informed citizen can influence positive changes in the city space. Our mission is to draw attention to the Museum of Warsaw and its comprehensive and dynamic activities by supporting the purchase of contemporary art and educational programmes aimed at children, young people, adults and seniors. The Foundation also supports the Museum’s publishing and integration initiatives, with a particular focus on programmes for children and adults from the Ukraine, through which they can get to know and like Warsaw. We invite you to support our activities.  We would be grateful for your donation to the statutory purposes of the Foundation.

Account of the Museum of Warsaw Foundation: BNP Paribas

74 1600 1462 1801 4404 7000 0001

Please include “donation for statutory purposes of the Museum of Warsaw Foundation” in the title of the transfer. Donations to the Foundation can be deducted from income.

Thank you for your support!